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The Ocean Gyres that are full of waste plastic.

as a possible additional process, of removing the waste plastic as in the images at the bottom of this page, is offered as:

A Combined Thermal Process of Continuous Feed Waste Plastic, with Goose Energy Freely Available Directly from the Ocean, to be Converted Directly into Usable Fuel.

This system Different to the norm in that:

  • this continuous feed system, can accommodate large volumes of mixed waste plastic;
  • into a thermal plant, of a required volume, that uses a unique internal rotating mechanism;
  • of a rather unique design plant for the type of materials that are in the 5 gyres of the ocean;
  • the resultant mixture are then uniquely channeled for second phase impurities removal;
  • then the resultant products are channelled for combining the hydrocarbons in different chains / structures;
  • then the first and primary source of the commodity is thermally treated, cleaned and modified by a specially designed catalyst / additive in the first phase;
  • then in addition the second phase the second source of commodity is also thermally treated for the extraction of short hydrocarbon chains;
  • then the short hydrocarbon chains are then purified through specially designed scrubbing mechanisms and catalysts for partial usage in thermal energy in the process;
  • then the excess of these short hydrocarbon chains are then uniquely stored;

All the above commodities are then applicable for combustion power generation.

Although we are sharing Intellectual Properties as above there is more in the fabricated design with the unique thermal process of temperatures, catalysts, and specially formulated additives to the specific composition at a location.

The above Innovative steps result in an extremely effective means of capturing usable energy out of ocean waste plastic of approximately 90%.

So with over 5 years of research and development this is a very-Very-VERY PROFITABLE MEANS OF CLEANING UP THE OCEANS OF THE WORLD.

Literally Islands of Waste Plastic.

Islands of Waste Plastic just floating around.

Islands of Waste Plastic that are worth a fortune as now reapable.