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Betterment4All projects.

Betterment4All is the principle of sharing Betterment ....both ways and is rather diverse...

As just being a normal humble person but as a Social Innovations Architect this has quite a few niche opportunities. Yes some are a bit ahead of time.

However some are ready for implementation.......

It T🔎🔍K time to reduce my stereo thinking of the formal education system. However my innovative thin🔎King then got going.

Even if you initially just brows to see what may really interest you specifically.

NOTE AS WELL in the weanwhile. IF YOU GOT HERE TO THIS MAIN PAGE FROM AN UNRELATED LINK, you are still most welcome to read all about Betterment4All, but understand that in terms of Betterment4All we also give and support WiKi pages for other good structures / innitiative / businesses / people etc as @ Support Other Betterment Activities.

However they are ready for implementation....... continued...

Some are rather long documents with lots of Intellectual Property included. In addition the documents are also not written, as often recommended by the learned people, in the format of Scientific Abstract. But written like a witty inventor, that I am would.

Persiver, enjoy and please give your valued comments.

Although they maybe be a 💯 years ahead of time, it is possibly no better time to get involved.

Saying rather diverse means that Betterment actually entails a rather wide range of things.

In general ii and most of my colleagues are business minded but unfortunately politics also play a major role in everything.

I call it pol'U'tics... but there is an alternate approach, that should be found interesting, lower down as an Alternative Political Approach called NOISeAPP.

The most applicable to general business opportunities are in sequence below, but first read through the pages, to get an overall picture, before going to the specific links. However, remember that Sharing to assist is my main objective. BETTERMENT4ALL.

Although it will be good that all is eventually looked at, but you can start off by going to what interest you most. Then although best to work form the main heading the first time the sub-heading will also be posted in the groups for shortcuts that you can copy and share to specific people of interest.

Founder Information & Contact.

Green Open Ocean Swell Energy (Goose), as below is very-Very New,... is a Must Look See.

Especially as we do not want it to belost like the Waste_Plastic_to_Energy, below, that is now lost to our country due to the inhibiting laws of South Africa and the fact that we could not get Any Support from the present government.

  • Goose Opportunity as, now after 5 years of work, truly a very good investment opportunity in a Niche Business.
  • Waste Plastic to Energy is very exciting and is now up and running, after 5 years of research and development, and is now being set up in the Islands of Comoros where it is urgently required by the government which has now taken a solid responsibility to waste management, through the SA Embassy. In collaboration with a proudly South African technology company.

It all relates to my/Our passion against Weiderregtilikheid.

...@... Participative Inventions is where anyone can join in and take over the development of an invention project.

Meaning it can become, kind of, your hobby or even your business. This is because inventors are not good innovators, meaning they very often do not have the abilities, expertice or resources to make it happen.

(...Smile...) ''''Faked' Truth''' As a means of Anonomously Propogating the Truth without being compromised.

The other incorrece page to be removed asap.

(...#...) An Alternative Political Approach as a possible assistance mechanism to political ...Betterment4ALL.

...?... Odds & Sods is just a name for what is not a project but of Considerable Importance in general....& a bit of FuN.

...??... WRITINGS the secord last link is also imortand in that ... These are examples of Real Incidents that can give you insight to what has recently been done / achieved (updated and'or replaced regularl), guidence as to what can help you, examples that you can use...etc.


  • SURVIVAL although put at the bottom, SURVIVAL is extremely important to All in Betterment4All.

More to be continually added later in the continual quest towards Betterment4ALL.

At minimum proving that all this work is done because ii/we know this is Important for The Future for ALL.

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